Well, that was an unexpected tribal. Let's go over a few things shall we?
  1. How do you react to tonight's tribal? Stephanie used an idol on herself, with Ken going home with 2 votes. Who do you think those two votes were? Give us your overall word vomit reaction to how it all went down.
  2. On Survivor, there usually is one big twist for each season. What would you think the twist is for this season of Stranded? In general, how often do you enjoy these type of big twists you see on TV?
  3. Prisoner's Dilemma, a Stranded classic. Can you tell us why you went to grab it first? How bad did you want that immunity? Was there anyone you would not want to have gotten that immunity?
  4. For a bit of a calmer on the last question, who in this game do you enjoy non-game talks with? To just shoot the shit with and bond personally, or for entertainment.

Dean Kowalski

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By Jay
I’m just staring at this shit wondering where to start. But here goes. Tribals going great, right, getting my blows in at Jacob. Steph plays an idol on herself. I just let out the biggest sigh. Like, as if she read that. Wendell was the other vote, but that was predetermined due to an idol. Then after tribal, Steph outs Jess of all people as the person who leaked the plan. Initially, my first thought was Jess has to go. But, then I thought about it more. There’s two scenarios. 


  • Lato Tribe

    Lato Tribe
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So one scenario is if Steph is lying. Obviously she has to go. The other situation is if she's telling the truth. Guess what???!!?!?!!?! HER ASS STILL HAS TO GO!! Cause in order for Jess to tell her about the plan to get ha, she would have to be pretty close to her. She just had no problem completely betraying someone who's put their neck out for them, she do be ruthless. Plus she still has her mates on the other side. So nah, girl gotta get got. Would normally be fine working with her, but the mates on the other side business is still super scary, no matter what she says. Because she has social capital on that side, and so they aren't gonna come for her.


  • Lato Tribe

    Lato Tribe
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In terms of why I grabbed it, I hinted at it above. I wanted to go to tribal to get Stephanie out before the merge, and so it was the perfect opportunity to do that. UNFORTUNATELY, the plan didn't work out. However, that's okay. One of the biggest things for me in this game is staying positive, picking yourself up again, and being able to do damage control. So, we go again.


  • Lato Tribe

    Lato Tribe
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oh yeah also in an answer to the 4th question, whether it's game or non-game, my guy is always Tay. The guy's an absolute legend, good to just chill out, take a breather, but also really good to bounce ideas off. That's my number 1, undoubtedly, moving forward in the game. But also Jess, even though she could've leaked, is also great to talk to, although she can be a little OTT at times. Entertaining though, can't take that away from ha! I actually really enjoy talking to Steph, which is sad because she's actually a really strong player who's been put in a shit position. If she outplays me again and gets me out down the line, I'll be rooting for her. But hopefully I'm gonna nip that in the bud before it happens. 


  • Lato Tribe

    Lato Tribe
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Honestly, I'm scared as fuck for my position come merge. These have been two shitty votes for my game, and so now I really can't afford any mistakes or my games gonna be over really quick.


  • Lato Tribe

    Lato Tribe
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