By Susie Smith
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Another wild night of Stranded! As you head into the next week, please take the time to give us your thoughts on how your game is going so far. 

1- You’ve had a chance to get to know your new swap tribe members this weekend. Did you take advantage of that opportunity, why or why not?

2- You won the challenge! Congratulations! Were you worried it might be you going out tonight?

3- Have you started dreaming in Stranded yet?

4- After this weekend, have your thoughts changed on whether you were swap screwed or not?

Susie Smith

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By Jay
Will answer these tmrw morning or tonight, but just an update for now, currently working on misting Steph so if she does have an idol she’ll literally never play it


  • Lato Tribe

    Lato Tribe
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By Jay
Susie Smith wrote:Another wild night of Stranded! As you head into the next week, please take the time to give us your thoughts on how your game is going so far. 

1- You’ve had a chance to get to know your new swap tribe members this weekend. Did you take advantage of that opportunity, why or why not?

2- You won the challenge! Congratulations! Were you worried it might be you going out tonight?

3- Have you started dreaming in Stranded yet?

4- After this weekend, have your thoughts changed on whether you were swap screwed or not?
1- i def took the opportunity to get to know my new tribe mates. Out of the three of them, Wendell is certainly the best player, and is also the one I’ve had the most in-depth strategic conversations with. However, the one who’s most loyal to me is Jacob. He’s also a train wreck 😂. Steph should be going home today, which I’ll get to. 

2. I’m glad we won the challenge because it allowed me to see which direction I need to take my game moving forward. I’m fucking pissed that CeCe is out tho, she was a real one. Wasn’t in any trouble of going home at this juncture I feel pretty secure in the prediction that I’ll make the merge. It’s just a case of setting myself up so I’m in a great position. 

3. I always dream big. But more than that, I scheme big. Schneaky schneaky. I’m thinking of the merge set up. The alliance I want at merge is me, mama Jess, Taylor, Jacob, Wendell and Dom with Ken on the periphery, and can possibly bring in rachel as well. Leaving james, morgan, Bradley and Bret on the outs.

4. Still #swapblessed <3


  • Lato Tribe

    Lato Tribe
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By Jay
Oh yeah, and also, we're probably gonna throw the immunity challenge today. I'm worried that if the other tribe loses, we lose more options to gain a stable majority. Probably gonna throw a fit at Jacob at tribal, just to make sure Steph feels completely comfy.


  • Lato Tribe

    Lato Tribe
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