Welcome to Lato 2.0 you bitches, hope you're not swapfucked. Or maybe this swap is a saving grace for you cuties. Either way, have a good chat getting to know your new tribemates before getting into the nitty-gritty of answering these.
  1. Take a look around at your new tribe mates - what are your initial impressions? Do you think this is a good tribe for you, or do you think you're screwed? If you could swap with anyone on the other tribe, would you? Who would it be?
  2. The first week was a whirlwind. Now that you've got some time to decompress and reevaluate, how would you sum up your experience on your OG tribe? What expectations do you have for this new one?
  3. Do you think that OG tribe loyalty will play a big part in this early part of your swap tribe? Or will people freely mix and intermingle? Also, is there anyone you're glad to see swapped with you? Is there anyone you wish didn't swap with you?
  4. Once you've gotten settled into your new tribe, let us know some more insight into your plans and what you think about your position. Has your strategy in the game changed at all?
  5. Lastly, can you give us a new trust ranking of people in this new tribe? Yes, even this early into it.

Dean Kowalski

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By Jay
1. I've already said my piece on Jacob but holy shit that man is a train wreck. And I love it. I want to work with him on this tribe, through the merge, as far as I can. Cause that man is loyal, and a train wreck. So I like, need to work with this guy. I don't care how exhausting it is to constantly talk game with him. It'll be worth it. In terms of this tribe though, literally couldn't have gone any better. Majority zakros. No Bret. No Rachel, who could flip on zakros, not necessarily me. And I have control. MAMA JESS AND TAY ARE HERE WITH ME TOO WHICH IM STOKED ABOUT. I wouldn't swap with nobody on the other tribe. I'd perhaps swap Ken for CeCe so I could keep CeCe safe. But apart from that, we're all good.

2. I'd say I've been chilling really, on zakros. I have really strong relationships outside of Bret with everyone on og Zakros, but it's time for me to make some new relationships on this tribe to move forward into the merge, which I suspect happens at f12. Specifically with Wendell, and Jacob, since they're on the outside of OG Lato. Rope them in, hook up with CeCe, Rachel, the rest of my Zakbros over here, and run the game. 

3. Dynamics of Lato 1.0:


Wendell flipped on Chris to avoid rocks, hence flipping on Jacob

Morgan/Stephanie/James attached at the hip.

Lato is a shitshow. And I'm here for it. So yeah we're mingling, immediately I'm feeling rocking with Jacob and Wendell, if they are on the outs. ALSO I SAID THIS BEFORE BUT FUCK YEAH TAY AND MAMA JESS ARE WITH ME. And glad that snake Bret stayed on that nasty ass beach where he belongs. Go home. If they send CeCe home istg.

4. Here's the thing. I do not want to go to tribal with this tribe more than once. I do want to go at least 1 time so we can get rid of Stephanie. But yeah at the moment, it feels like I garner a lot of leverage over how the game shapes out. Literally got 3 solid allies, a crazy person who's desperate to work with me, allies on the other side. Shit's great at the moment.


1 - Mama Jess
2 - Tay
3 - Jacob
4 - Ken
5 - Wendell
6 - Stephanie
7 - Jacob at challenges

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  • Lato Tribe

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By Jay
I need rachel and Bret to kiss and make up over there so that they don’t take each other out, cus I feel like one of those two will be the merge boot, and I think it’d be Bret out of those 2. 


  • Lato Tribe

    Lato Tribe
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By Jay
Also lemme just go thru what happened last round. So the morning of the tribal, can't remember the date cuz fuck that. But anyway, I decided ya know what, fuck sending Rachel home, she's staying. I've already explained my rationale for said move in episode 5 confessionals, I'll direct ya there cuz I can't be assed writing more shit than I need tonight, it's been a long day. So anyway, I talk to Bret and Taylor about keeping Rachel and instead voting out Michaela, which were the two options for that vote. Appealed to Taylor mainly on the challenge shield kinda side, whereas appealed to Bret on the distrust kinda side. And then CeCe was on board right away, fucking love that woman #CECEFORIMMUNITYTILLMERGE. Oh yeah and Rachel was on board obviously. Ken had already expressed his distrust in michaela so like that wasn't a hard sell there.

So yasss anyway all that happened, and then I checked in with Rachel, and RIGHT as she was aboutta go offline, she said, oh yeah, Bret and Michaela are gunning for you and saying they're running the show. So immediately I go into hustle mode right, to shut this shit down. Rachel prevoted Michaela, which meant we couldn't switch to Bret. CeCe then comes to me and says Bret came to her with the same thing. So CeCe was like my lil double agent, sorta working out who was in on the plan. The only people who weren't were Tay, myself and Jess. Bret approached Rachel, Ken, CeCe and Michaela, and that would've been the 5 votes. At some point it must've switched from Me to Jessica, and then Bret realised he didn't have the numbers, so he backed off. BUT, big mistake my guy, big mistake. Cause it's his head that's gonna be on that platter come merge. Of course, I could just not tunnel vision. But what'd be the fun in that. I'd love if I could like get my side to make the other side feel it's James or Morgan or some shit like that by telling Bret that's the plan. Then completely blindside Bret. That'd be hilarious.


  • Lato Tribe

    Lato Tribe
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By Jay
So Stephanie is getting taken out if we lose. I feel really bad for her because this swap was awful for her. But Steph has connections on the other side that she can flip to, and that’s no good. Generally on a game level as well, I distrust her based on game conversations, she enquires a lot, very snoopy, and doesn’t give up any info, like at all. She makes broader statements than bloody Stephen marshmallow, the guy who ruined our state. No specifics at all, says a lot without saying anything.


  • Lato Tribe

    Lato Tribe
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