Another round passes by, another step closer to the grand prize. It's confessional time, so let's get into it!
  1. As we're getting further into the game, the fewer easy boots you have on your tribe with each passing tribal council. Is this something you agree with? Do you see anyone left on your tribe as an "easy vote", or are there no more?
  2. How do you think things are going on the opposite tribe? Are you looking forward to any potential swap down the line, or do you feel strong with your current tribe?
  3. Are you in any alliances? If so, with whom, and are you loyal to them? If not, is that intentional? Do you think you're getting left out of any alliance making, or do you think you're in the thick of things?
  4. Would you say you're playing this game like a marathon or a sprint? Talk us through some short term and long term strategy.

Dean Kowalski

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I don't think there are any easy boots in terms of activity level, one could argue Michaela, but even still she's picked up in her activity recently. But in terms of social capital, there's 1000% an easy boot. Old Mate Paul from the geriatric ward. Still has no social capital after the outburst the other day, and so should we go to tribal again, that'll be an easy out. That's still my target numero uno. 


  • Lato Tribe

    Lato Tribe
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I feel like there's some...characters on the other tribe. Jacob's fucking hilarious and not in an intentional way. Just so oblivious to everything. I reckon he's probably turned himself into the perfect goat haha. James and Dom are gonna be big players I can already tell. So if I swap with them, I want to keep them close to me, develop a relationship there, so that in case if I do need to switch things up, I can do so using them. BUT, I won't do so at the expense of CeCe, Michaela, Ken, Tay or Mama Jess. Probably not Rachel. However, I'd be willing to use the other tribe to take out Paul or Bret.


  • Lato Tribe

    Lato Tribe
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Obviously got the alliance with me, CeCe, Bret, Mama Jess, Ken and Tay, and I plan on sticking to that group for a while. First person getting cut from that group is Bret for me though, 1000%. Within that group, I've got a core with CeCe and Ken, which is, eh, I really like CeCe, and Ken trusts me, BUT, Ken is a dangerous player and I want to keep him close. I feel like he's the sorta player I'll need to make a move on late game just because he is so strategically focused and just comes off as very savvy. Then we've got Ken and Bret which means nothing to me. Not loyal to that at all. Do I think I'm being left out of alliance making? Possibly some smaller core alliances. Or alliances that don't mean much. Does it really matter to me? Not particularly. I feel like my game and personal relationships within that six are super strong at this point in time. 



  • Lato Tribe

    Lato Tribe
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A bit of both, really. I've got two really long term strategies, right.

#1 - Keeping the door open and the trust there with EVERYONE, so that if I need an out, or people to make moves with, I don't have the door shut in my face. And also, inherently it stops the target from being on your back. I don't want to just play with my core people, I want to play with the people on the outside as well, which is why I'm keeping really tight relationships with Michaela and Rachel, because I see them as allies moving forward into a swap and merge situation.

#2 - SPECIFIC shields. People always talk about shields, right. Oi yeah nah this person's a threat, lets keep em round as a shieldddd. But shields are multi-faceted. You have social shields, strategic shields, physical shields, pair shields, goat shields different kinda shields that benefit different people. I want to be able to use all different kinds of shields to allow myself to move forward long term. Social shields for example, Mama Jess, who is a really strong social player, and has really good connections with everyone. Strategic shields, like Ken, who will likely be very savvy, and talking to a lot of people about game-related information, and so will likely become a late-game target. Physical shields, who I suspect would be someone like Tay, who beasted the puzzle today. I'm super close with Tay, and so that's a massive physical shield for me, and physical asset. Also Rachel, was pretty good at the challenge yesterday. So we'll see what her challenge abilities are like thru the merge. Pair shields. This might not necessarily benefit me now. But say me and another person are labelled as a 'pair', right. Having other 'pairs' in front of us to throw under the bus instead of my pair, and argue how they're a bigger threat. But if I'm even seen in a 'pair', that's a misstep in my game. Likelihood is, if I am seen in a pair, I'll want to chop that person off, as it'll free up my position. And a 'goat shield'. This is more for early merge/swap, but say you're in the majority, with a goat, or someone the minority considers unlikeable. Not that they are, but that's the perception of the minority. For example, CeCe. CeCe is someone who is not liked by Rachel/Paul and even Michaela to an extent. So that's like the grand plan with shields.
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  • Lato Tribe

    Lato Tribe
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Omg it all makes sense. Bret's energy. It's because he comes from the roblox community, and so he's used to playing with people...well, younger. And so that's just the communication style and leveraging that he's used to employing there. So it makes sense now, his vibe. And so I'm gonna try and use that to my advantage, because a few years ago I transitioned from that sorta game style into discord orgs, so I still have that experience. Gotta try and just match his vibe, manipulate him into feeling as comfortable as possible with me.


  • Lato Tribe

    Lato Tribe
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Would I mind losing Paul over a lato member the next tribal? Absolutely not, I’m anticipating a swap next, and so Paul is a loose end at the moment that needs to be eradicated. However I won’t throw the challenge, because that always gets you bad karma. And plus anything can go wrong.


  • Lato Tribe

    Lato Tribe
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