By Jeff Probst
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Welcome to your confessional!

This may be the most important place in the game. It's where you will vote and more importantly, talk to us! Feel free to divulge your darkest secrets, current strategies, alliances, and hell... just pure hatred for other players. You are the only player that can view this forum. Outside of Alumni and Hosts, it is completely private. We love getting the dirt and there are plenty of us here to ask you questions. As you can see, this thread is labeled "Episode 00". After every Tribal Council, a host will start a new thread asking you more questions. Again, this is your forum and you can feel free to start whatever topics or make whatever posts you like. We will be here to help you out, make you think, get you to talk, and really just lend an ear.

We take confessionals seriously because we're genuinely interested in your story. We want to know everything you're thinking and more importantly, what you're feeling. Think of it as free therapy. We will be guiding you along the way and asking you questions, provoking thought, and helping you think about things you otherwise might not have. We find that just talking through your situation can help you get a fresh perspective on things.

Beyond that, it's just fun. What's more, fun is having a record of what you were thinking at different stages of the game, and being able to look back on that is priceless so take advantage of it!
Here is a practice mini-challenge for you to work on. It is a challenge that might appear once or twice throughout the season in a different form. While it will be easier to do in the actual challenge, this will help you practice reposting images. Image posting is something that will pop up in multiple challenges and is a skill that you should perfect. Please refer to the guide in the Camp forum for detailed instructions on how to post images.

This particular challenge is a 4x4 16-piece puzzle. You must correctly unscramble the puzzle using the ORIGINAL image links. Meaning, you can't simply rearrange them in a photo editing program. You must use the original images by using the IMG tag. Fortunately, you are now able to just copy and paste the images direction from the challenge by highlighting them and selecting copy, and then pasting into the post editor. From there you can drag and drop them to rearrange your puzzle.

Good luck, please ask us for any help or further instructions :)

You will need to reply to this thread ahead of the season and sign the rules in order to avoid being replaced.


Jeff Probst

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By Jay
oh my fucking god y'all gave me Jay :crine::crine:​​​​​​​:crine:​​​​​​​ that is lichrally perfect I love that. I'll get onto the practice challenge in a sec, by the way #fuckslidepuzzles hate them with every bone in my body. Oh ya and I'll provide the..'lurkers' I think it's called that, right, in stranded slang, with a bit of an intro  :loveeyes: 


  • Lato Tribe

    Lato Tribe
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By Jay
stupid question (first out of many dw :D), but should I post the challenge here or in my challenge submissions, ik normally it'd be in challenge subs but this one doesn't rlly count ig


  • Lato Tribe

    Lato Tribe
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By Dean Kowalski
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Jay wrote:oh my fucking god y'all gave me Jay :crine::crine:​​​​​​​:crine:​​​​​​​ that is lichrally perfect I love that. I'll get onto the practice challenge in a sec, by the way #fuckslidepuzzles hate them with every bone in my body. Oh ya and I'll provide the..'lurkers' I think it's called that, right, in stranded slang, with a bit of an intro  :loveeyes:
Awesome, we look forward to the intro!

Jay wrote:stupid question (first out of many dw :D), but should I post the challenge here or in my challenge submissions, ik normally it'd be in challenge subs but this one doesn't rlly count ig
For this practice puzzle you can just do it in here if you'd like, no worries there. As long as you remember for actual challenges, the submission thread is where you must post it.

Dean Kowalski

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By Jay
Aight time for me to rant endlessly about myself bc I'm egotistical :)). Nah not really, I'll keep it short, sharp and sexy. So the name I usually go by is Hodgo aight, it's sorta a name that's stuck by through the years, it's a bit of a play on my surname. Played a few orgs, won one, but not really a name nor player you'll recognise. But yeah I'm an Aussie so y'all better get used to a bitta that slang. 19 years young, do a bitta swimming instructing, coaching, the works, I swim a lot myself, keeps me happy. Currently doing a Bachelor of Arts at Adelaide Uni, with an English major, although it's pretty chill with the whole major business I only have to do 3 English subjects a year. So yeah, I'm here to win yeah, I'll be playin hard. But nah to be honest more than that I just wanna have a good time with this lot, usually when I'm having a blast I'm playing better anyway. More about me will probably come up as the season goes on, but as I said, short, sharp and sexy right now. Hope y'all have a blast watching the season :))


  • Lato Tribe

    Lato Tribe
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By Jay
Possible timezone overlaps on my tribe:


These guys were all on this avo so could probably be good timing timezone wise with this bunch. Depends on their schedule though. Will be doin sum more observation tmrw.


  • Lato Tribe

    Lato Tribe
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By Jay
Why I chose my main event to be 400 IMs is beyond me. It’s like swimming through treacle all the while getting slapped all over by sledgehammer. Had one last night and I went PB +7 which is garbage. Point is I’m gonna be in a shit mood, so hopefully I’ll be able to..unshit my mood?? Before we start messaging anyway. Also ken and Jessica turn up please don’t leave us with 8 tribe members lol


  • Lato Tribe

    Lato Tribe
  • Posts: 233
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